SN 2022 June 26: Abel & Cain. Worship in Spirit & Truth. Operating under the Law of the Spirit of Life

SN - Sunday 26 June 2022 Last week we explored the story of Jacob & Esau  ... and how it depicts for us the battle of spirit vs flesh ... with our choices having serious consequences ... either life or death, blessing or curse  ... with us becoming slaves to whom (or what) we submit … Continue reading SN 2022 June 26: Abel & Cain. Worship in Spirit & Truth. Operating under the Law of the Spirit of Life

SN 2022 March 5: Leadership Lessons – 1 Samuel 16. Anointing, Favor, Stature, Humility >> Contrasting Saul & David

SN - 5 March 2022 On 19 February, ...we looked into *leadership challenges and the testing* one may encounter as a leader ... Testing vs Temptation as to be weighed as to whether one is suitable to be elevated by the Lord to the next level  ... the context being 1 Samuel 15, King … Continue reading SN 2022 March 5: Leadership Lessons – 1 Samuel 16. Anointing, Favor, Stature, Humility >> Contrasting Saul & David

SN-2022 Feb 5: Repentance — Prayer Model. Sin ‘holds’ the Hands & ‘closes’ the Eyes of God! Isaiah 59. Psalm 51.

Feb 5, 2022 Spiritual Nourishment (WhatsApp Fellowship) REPENTANCE - Prayer Model from the scriptures I was looking into the important ( but probably overlooked) issue of repentance A fundamental engagement for every Christian  … as it appropriately positions us for a fruitful engagement with Jehovah Lord. Otherwise one may find themselves laboring in vain  …and be surprised … Continue reading SN-2022 Feb 5: Repentance — Prayer Model. Sin ‘holds’ the Hands & ‘closes’ the Eyes of God! Isaiah 59. Psalm 51.

SRPC-2022 Jan 23: Year of Divine Turnaround. Year of Divine Harvest. Kingdom Perspective??

Sunday 23 Jan 2022SRPC Family 2022 Theme >> Year of Divine TurnaroundSRPC Wangige 2022 Theme >> Year of Divine Harvest Question What do the SRPC 2022 themes represent practically in my life? I heard the prophetic word and wanted to go plant the seed... But it occurred to me that I don't know what kind of … Continue reading SRPC-2022 Jan 23: Year of Divine Turnaround. Year of Divine Harvest. Kingdom Perspective??