SN-2022 Feb 12: Who is considered blessed in the eyes of the Lord? Matthew 5 – Beatitudes … The Appropriate Christian Attitude (Heart).

SN Saturday Feb 12, 2022 Last week we were considering the basics of (biblical model) prayer & positioning.. Isaiah 59 - My sin and iniquity is what 'holds' the hands and 'closes' the ears of God Psalm 51- Repentance prayer model - dealing with the sin that separates us from God … so that we … Continue reading SN-2022 Feb 12: Who is considered blessed in the eyes of the Lord? Matthew 5 – Beatitudes … The Appropriate Christian Attitude (Heart).

ARCI – 2020 Jan 26: Looking but not Seeing!? Looking with the eyes but Seeing with the Heart. 2020 Spiritual Vision.

ARCI - January 26, 2020  - S2   When I think about the Lord (Song by ??   ) When I think about the Lord How He saved, how He raised me How He filled me with the Holy Ghost How He healed me to the uttermost When I think about the Lord How he picked … Continue reading ARCI – 2020 Jan 26: Looking but not Seeing!? Looking with the eyes but Seeing with the Heart. 2020 Spiritual Vision.

Genesis 13: After all the drama, God’s way still remains the best way!

Genesis 13 Going back to God's original plan? After all the drama, God's ways always turn out to be the best way. After all... Truth is what God says it is and the way is the direction God says it is! Abram and company returned back to the original place where he had built an … Continue reading Genesis 13: After all the drama, God’s way still remains the best way!

LFM – 2019 March 17: Purpose in suffering? Blessing available, but T&C apply!?

Sunday 17 March LFM Suffering / Fiery Trials What is the purpose of going through a trial while in salvation? . Isn't it supposed to be smooth sailing once I give my life to Christ? . Is there a difference between a trial / test / temptation?? . A trial / test / temptation does … Continue reading LFM – 2019 March 17: Purpose in suffering? Blessing available, but T&C apply!?

LFM – 2019 March 10: Grace. Spiritual Gifts. Bitterness. Touch not the Lord’s Anointed. Humility towards difficult authority!

Notes from Sunday, March 3 Pastor David - Feeling unwell, unable to preach & wanting to go home But when he purposed to go through with the program for the day, it went on as usual without him remembering the pain. A lesson on the grace (neema / empowerment) of God It has nothing to do … Continue reading LFM – 2019 March 10: Grace. Spiritual Gifts. Bitterness. Touch not the Lord’s Anointed. Humility towards difficult authority!

LFM – 2015 Oct 4: Faith, Perseverance, Trust, Obedience

James 1:2-8, 22-25 (NKJV)   2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask … Continue reading LFM – 2015 Oct 4: Faith, Perseverance, Trust, Obedience